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black and white portrait of a woman  by photographer Alan Culverhouse



Black and white portrait of a woman  by photographer Alan Culverhouse


This is what got me back into film photography. My working life for the previous 20 years or so had been flat out. Typical of many people I was working long days climbing the corporate ladder whilst my wife and I raised two children, refurbished and sold houses and somehow remained together through all this.

In 2014 this changed when my employer started me on a leadership programme. Of the many things I have learned, a critical one, was finding a balance of work and life. I decided to return to film photography because I both loved it when I was younger, and because I knew it would calm my mind. With digital, I was able to rattle off hundreds or even thousands of photos in a single day. With film, it takes more time and you want to be more selective.

This photo was shot on a Nikon FM2 35mm, probably with my much loved 50mm f1.2 lens some 25 years ago. Today I mainly shoot film on a Mamiya 645 1000s medium format, using Ilford FP4 or HP5, processing using Ilford Microphen. I print on Ilford Multigrade IV using an LPL 7700 b/w head.

Portrait GALLERY

Using film photography to capture the essence of someone.

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